I can only give you everything
Because I own my Musical Catalog, I can now offer to give you access to it all. But this has not come without some personal cost
over my lifetime and musical career.
Despite bringing finished albums to present to various Record Labels, to allow them to Market and Distribute them, without being in debt to them for advances and such...a crucial part of the bargain..being PAID for the physical sales never actually eventuated. Sadly true for myself and so many others.
And this happened, album after album, and label after label. If it wasn't for certain people in the press, and PR agencies, and for radio play, with the resulting APRA royalties, I would never have been able to pay for subsequent albums.
So although the fact remains, that in 3 decades I have never been paid for the many thousands of albums (and singles and compilations) that were sold, at least I have kept the ownership of my music by not doing "deals".
Regardless of how that may have affected me, and my ability to release new music, that was in the PAST.
If you want to support me in the PRESENT and allow me to have a FUTURE in music, then a small DONATION from those of you who have enjoyed and are continuing to enjoy the music would be the most meaningful way to show your appreciation for a lifetime's work. And it will allow me to create more, play more, and to fulfill my potential.
The Mission