Your donations directly fund mental health counseling for young people in need
There are kids and teens in our community who are truly struggling.
You can be the difference in their life.
Whether it’s depression, coping with abuse, or a severe mental disorder, no child or teen should have to feel like hope is lost. Unfortunately many of their families can’t afford the professional counseling that they need. With your help we can provide that counseling. You can help these young people live a truly better life.
Our approach to counseling gives patients sustainable relief and freedom
Emotional health is just one aspect of counseling. Our “Whole Health” approach addresses every aspect in a patient’s life — relational, financial, physical, spiritual, and emotional. By tackling all areas of distress we help patients not just feel relief, but equip them to truly thrive in life.
We’re from the community, for the community
Our mission is to help those within our community — we’re helping our neighbors. And by donating to Jason’s Race you directly help a young person from our local community.
It’s licensed professional help
Your donations fund counseling programs provided by licensed mental health professionals at the highest standard. Our mental health counseling program helps young people struggling with:
Mental or behavioral disorders
Mental and emotional trauma
Make a tax-deductible contribution today
501C3: 26053410002202
Whether it’s a one-time donation or a monthly pledge, your contribution will directly fund this life-changing counseling program for a young person in need.
Thank you for giving the gift of hope to someone in our community!
Donor Wall 14
Brandon Gans | $416.76
This is a wonderful charity and offers a much needed and often under appreciated service.
Linda Stiteler
Chandardaye | $10.70
Rhett Sutherland | $52.23
Veronica Woodard | $50
Michael Barber | $104.15
Kate Brandt | $52.23
Tru. | $104.15
May our broken heart, be transformed into a loving hand. May we overcome our helplessness by giving light to the lost & afraid. May our love give them strength & guide them back to a place they call home. -t.because (dedicated to Jason, whom I did not know, but who abides, now, in my heart)
Kumarie | $52.23
John, Thank you for starting Jason’s Race and I pray many kids will be blessed from this organization and that you be a blessed too.
Lisa | $52.23
John, I am thinking of you and will share the story of Jason’s Race. I now know more about your amazing son, Jason. His bright light will continue to shine through his organization.
Windy McCarty | $100
Thinking of you John and your beautiful son. Your friends at University Behavioral Center
Fiona Mulligan | $100
Thinking of you and your family John and what an amazing charity!
Brian Francis | $50
This is such a wonderful way to honor Jasons legacy. Prayers to the family.
Call me and let me know what I can do to help.