Recurring Donations for 69th Sniffing Brigade
1.174.925,34 €
1.200.000 €
The 69th Sniffing Brigade is excited to announce our recurring donations. With your help, we can continue to do our work and support brave soldiers in Ukraine.
Our main goal is to purchase new trucks for the Ukrainian army, which will help them with their missions and evacuate wounded solders from the frontlines. Your generous donations will directly contribute to the purchase of these much-needed vehicles, which will be used by our soldiers on the front lines.
We would like to offer our donors some special bonuses as a token of our gratitude. For each recurring donation, we will give away three 69th Sniffing Brigade flags, signed by the Ukrainian solders, every month. Additionally, we have created different ranks for donations, each with its own special bonus.
For donations of 50€ or more, we will print your name once a mounth on one of our trucks, giving you the title of "Sergeant"
For donations of 100€ or more, you will receive a unique NAFO patch that we only give for recurring donations, along with your name on the truck, giving you the title of "Lieutenant". Every mount will be different patch.
As a NAFO Lieutenant (200€), each month you:
Choose one any our NAFO patch from last month ended campaigns.
You have the option to select any patch from the campaigns we ran in the past month. A dedicated email will be sent to you, guiding you on how to make your patch choice.
For donations of 500€ or more, you will receive an original Ukrainian unit patch that we have received from Ukranian soldiers, in addition to your name on the truck and the NAFO patch, giving you the title of "Captain". Every mount new patch.
For donations of 1000€ or more, you can add your message to the truck, along with the Ukrainian patch, NAFO patch, and your name, giving you the title of "Major"
For donations of 2000€ or more, we will give you a trophy from the battlefields, and your country's flag will be placed on the truck, along with your message, Ukrainian patch, NAFO patch, and your name, giving you the title of "Colonel"
For donations of 10,000€ or more, you will get to decide which unit will receive the truck, and you can join our convoys to Ukraine. You will also receive a flag, trophy, Ukrainian unit patch, NAFO patch, and your name, giving you the title of "General of the Army". Basically it is your truck.
We hope that you will join us in our mission to support the Ukrainian army and protect our country. Your support will make a huge difference in the work that we do. Thank you for considering making a donation to the 69th Sniffing Brigade.
You can look video about 69th Sniffing Brigade aid here:
Donor Wall 453
Klaus Müllendorff | €10.24/M
Victor Goossens | €1,000/M
Simone | €519.50/M
I hope these can help you and can be useful to you in defending and taking back your territories
Michael | A$179.11/M
Appreciate the work you guys are doing. It's unfortunate that the current US Administration seems to be betraying Ukraine, I know this isn't much but I hope it contributes to something.
Barb | $109/M
Rob Davies | £22.05/M
Stay strong Ukraine - you can beat the Russians and Trump!💪💪
Anita | $11.73/M
Love to the brave soldiers
Ben | $11.73/M
Slava Ukraini
Linda Safarli | €10.67/M
Craig | C$157/M
Anonymous | €13.37/M
Gabriele | €26.25/M
Ukraine is also fighting for Europe and democratic values around the world. Thank you so much and Slava Ukraini
Nicolas Bonafonte | €104.13/M
Liisi | €200/M
We will beat Fascist Ruzzia and stupidity of the Ultimate Traitor Inc. in White House
Karl Lindberg
The Traitor needs to know what he is!
Bambee Parker | €25/W
Steffen Mahler | €100/M
Jens | €100/M
Andrew Wijnberg | £84/M
We are with you
George Sackinger | €26.41/M
Svitlana | €26.25/M
Slava Ukraini! Le Québec - Canada est avec vous jusqu'à la victoire finale.
Thank you so much for standing strong! You are real heroes.
Mark Forte | €100/M
Rinse | €10.24/M
Ryan Rife
Youri | €207.98/M
Дуже дякую герої!
Knut Olav Bøhmer
Anonymous | €100/M