Donation Form

Choosing to donate to the RCOA is the best way you can support refugees and people seeking asylum.

Your donation will be enabling RCOA to continue to be a reasoned voice in the national public debate about refugees and asylum seekers. It ensures our ongoing commitments to:

  • Advocate and be the public voice for refugees and asylum seekers living in our community and in the Asia Pacific region.  
  • Educate and inform the Australian community about the plight of refugees and Australian’s humanitarian obligations.
  • Policy alternatives to government and continuing to be the key link between Australian NGOs, United Nation agencies and international refugee bodies.

RCOA is the only independent member-based organisation providing informed and authoritative responses to Australia’s national refugee and asylum seeker debate. 

Every single day, RCOA is working to find more humane solutions to issues facing refugees and asylum seekers through every aspect of our work. We are well positioned to make sure the voices of refugee and asylum seekers are heard loud and clear.

The Refugee Council of Australia

Suite 4A6, 410 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia

Phone: (02) 9211 9333 • Fax:(02) 9211288 •Web:

ABN 87 956 673 083

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.  Your privacy isimportant to us. The Refugee Council of Australia may use your personalinformation to keep you updated about our work and about ways you can supportthe organisation in its mission. See our privacy policy at