Rebuilding PLASTICPeople Factory






PLASTICPeople was born 4 years ago as a solution to the plastic waste crisis. The company has grown sustainably and has already recycled more than 800 tons of ALL types of low value, single use plastic waste and we convert it into safe, durable and beautiful raw panels used for sustainable housing, furniture and interior design.

We are proudly part of a full circular economy around plastic waste:

  • We employed 30 full time in house staff.

  • We work side by side with more than 150 plastic waste collectors from the informal sector.

  • We provide educational workshops to more than 40 NGO’s and entities in the public and private sector.

On 23rd September, our factory went up in flames, and all our hard work over the years was destroyed. We are so grateful that nobody was harmed, but our important work had to stop.

Being a young startup, this is a big hit, but we haven't lost everything. We still have the clients, brand, community and the products that are believed to be the future of sustainable solutions to plastic waste!

Now, more than ever, we need your support to rebuild and purchase new equipment. In any way you can, please join us in rebuilding PLASTICPeople, where its work is for the community and the environment.

Thanks to your support, we will not only recover but thrive!

Our website:

To follow up on the rebuilding process:

To see what we do here: 


Donor Wall5

Mai Nguyễn


Judith Ruiz Jacob

Victor Puig

Vijay Kumar Dowlani

Good luck Nano! Revo4eva!