Raw Gym Charity Fundraiser

Raw Gym is holding a Raw Rumble (boxing) class in aid of Make-A-Wish Ireland as part of their Keep Sparkling positivity month!

The class will take place on 28th February at 8.05 pm at Raw Gym Donnybrook.

All proceeds from the class and donations given on the day will help grant magical wishes to children living with life-threatening illnesses across Ireland. Make-A-Wish does not receive any government funding and relies overwhelmingly on the kindness of the Irish public to continue granting wishes.

You can also take part in our positivity month by purchasing a Keep Sparkling eCard. Our magical eCard features our wish children as they inspire and motivate us. Donate a minimum of €10 to our Keep Sparkling campaign, you will be giving twice the joy by granting wishes and purchasing a thoughtful eCard for someone special. Find out more here: https://www.makeawish.ie/get-involved/keep-sparkling

You can find out more about Raw Gym membership and classes here: https://www.rawgyms.com/