RAPIDS Cohort Fund

The goal of AI4US, is to increase opportunities for Black Women in the AI space, and more broadly, people of color.  

Our flagship program is called RAPIDS. The way it works: In Fall 2020, students will be placed in virtual cohorts of 20-25 students based on computing proficiency. These students take Nvidia’s Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science in the fall.  The course is given as a 3 Semester Credit course.  We are uniquely using  Culturally responsive instruction that’s "a pedagogy that empowers students intellectually, socially, & emotionally”.  This allows us to incorporate Breonna Taylor in a class on Logistic Regression. We are also particularly trying to reach students whose educational plans have been upended by Covid. Students who can not afford to return for their senior year of college.

The goal is not for students to just complete the class, they commit to becoming certified to teach it (and other courses in the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute curriculum).   So, they can train the next cohort.  And go on to fill data-science/AI related roles, as interns or employees.  We are looking for partners who may be interested in Supporting AI4US students.

LINK:  https://venturebeat.com/2020/07/04/an-ai-founders-struggle-to-be-seen-in-the-age-of-black-lives-matter/