Psalm 51 Ethiopia
On our upcoming trip to Ethiopia we will be ministering to the wives of the indigenous missionaries. These missionaries were all Muslims and responded to the Gospel of Jesus. Sometimes they were visited in a dream or other supernatural intervention that led them to Jesus. I know this sounds crazy for our culture but it is happening a lot in Muslim cultures. Understand that, to believe in Jesus, these men risk their lives and livelihood. They go through Bible training and then go back to their tribes to share the Good News.
Psalm 51 is focused on women in the states and it is the same in Ethiopia. The wives of these missionaries are often alone to tend to the family and live in poverty. While they receive a small stipend from Newlife Ethiopia, they are very poor. Having been raised Muslim, they cannot read and their sense of value is culturally and religiously determined to be very low indeed. Our goal in this trip is to honor them. This is our third conference for the missionaries and their wives. Most of these women had never eaten in a restaurant much less stayed in a hotel. We provide two nights in a local hotel, meals and teaching. While the men are learning from their teachers, we take care of the women. We do a Bible Study, crafts, singing, sharing and blessing. The most exciting event is when the ladies receive their bags. (These are lovingly being made by a woman in Dinah’s church). In the bags there will be treasures like solar lights, washable pads, colorful scarves, coffee, sugar, a water filter, small coffee cups, treats, and more. The reason for the coffee, sugar and cups is for them to reach out to other village women and offer them a cup of coffee (with sugar – a rare treat) and connect with them. In doing so they will share about “the ONE who respects women.”