Project Hiu


What do we do with donations? 

A huge amount of background work within the community and each individual fishing vessel takes place to make this project possible. Your donations are dedicated to our final goal of repurposing an entire fleet of fishing vessels in tourism, supporting fishermen & their families on a path to a better future that in turn, saves marine life. Below are some of many examples of how we do this, with both humans and sharks in mind. 


1 - Employment; Training & licensing of fishing vessels so that they may move from fishing into tourism.

2 - Improving health care and living conditions through investing in clean water systems, education & waste management. 

3 - Funding sustainable projects that provide new income opportunities to existing fishermen and their families, this in-tern prevents the fishing and exploitation of sharks, i.e. tourism. This includes the enforcement of eco tourism training and regulations. 


4 - Education, sponsoring shark fishermen’s children or crew themselves to attend university and have a wider range of options for their future that they otherwise may not be exposed to.


5 - Explore the shark fin trade from captain to consumer, highlighting the divide between the people buying shark fins and the men exploited to obtain them. This includes a more in-depth look into the processing & exporting of shark fins.


6 - Research, by ensuring our methods are not just functioning but functioning effectively, we continue to research the movements of sharks in Indonesia and new threats to their populations. 

“There's more to doing good than hating evil.”
- Unknown 

The presence of tiger sharks in catches lead Project Hiu to become the first team to tag tiger sharks in Indonesia in 2022 with the help of your donations.  

EDUCATION; It is the underlining foundation for implementing long-term change. Project Hiu aims to educate future generations on; sustainable business practice, entrepreneurship and language. For this to be possible we make frequent calculated contributions to the school of materials & teachers.

Our donations are dedicated to the fight for our wildlife in the world’s largest shark fishing nation and setting the foundation required for fishermen to have a new and sustainable future in tourism. Explore a fishing trip with us through this film of our time at sea with shark fishermen in a never before documented journey

THANK YOU! Your donations make this possible! 

This donation page is directly linked to The Hooper Collective, a registered non-for-profit organisation. Your contribution will help aid the development of this project and the shark fishing community in which we work with. 

Donor Wall247

Dean Butcher | A$25


There are few things I love more than the Oceans and Indonesia. Thank you for doing what you are doing.

Primal Meats | $10/M

Madison Ashley USA | $50

Kirstin | A$50

Will | $5/M

Brooks McLaren | $50

Caysi | $5/M

Andrew Quinlan | $50

Thank you for everything you do and exposing the truth about the current state of our planet and the effects western civilization has on the rest of the world

Jason | A$20

ArtBanannie | $170

Dear Project Hiu team, Thank you for the holistic environmental justice approach that this org takes to not only conserve sharks but--importantly--also uplift the local communities and find sustainable alternatives for them. That nuanced perspective is something that is often painfully missing from typical eco narratives. I am committed to donating 10% of my modest income from my ocean-themed art prints to this wonderful cause. Cheers, Annie

Wild blackthorn | C$100

Juliette Fraser | $230

To Madison and the team, you are my absolute heroes. Thank you for the incredible work you do both for the sharks and the communities. I hope to work with sharks and do something similar one day.

Silvia | $10

Thank you for all the efforts and work you do for sharks, the environment, health, and communities <3

Ivy | A$10

Merry Christmas Project Hiu! Keep fighting for our beautiful sharks. Love Ivy Hope - a 15 month old from Melbourne.

Sprinkles Bake Shop on Etsy | $10

This donation was made possible thanks to the purchase of a “Helpling” sculpture by a wonderful customer.

Lukas | $10


Happy Birthday Hays

J, the Ocean & Me

Nicole Kupfer | $50

Joanne | $35/M

Thank you Madison, may your work continue to grow exponentially.


Kokoh&Koi | A$200

Saya tingal di Indonesia banyak kali. Di sana, saya bermain di ombak and kerja dengan orang-orang cantik. Project Hui is a small way to say a big thanks to the love Indonesia has taught me. Happy Birthday Shark Girl Madison xxx

Tattoo Ranch | $1,000

Dryw | $10

Alexandra | $70

I found the money on the street - your projects can make better use of it than me!


To change a way of life for these islanders for the better, but to also help with shark conservation is an action to truly admire and respect. I whole-heartedly stand behind all that Project Hiu represents and work towards.

Sprinkles Bake Shop | $10

This donation was made possible by a wonderful customer who purchased one of my Helpling sculptures, enabling me to donate half of this sale to charity.

Sprinkles Bake Shop | $10/M

Alex | A$100

Saw the article on the ABC website. This is an awesome project and respects the environment and the local people. Well done Madison you are awesome.