The world changed in March 2020, all our lives changed and Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba's ways of doing ministry changed too. This year 2021, we are even more driven to reach "Every Child" in Manitoba with the gospel and we know that according to 1Thessalonians 5:24 "The one who calls us is faithful and He will do it."
How do we do reach every child?
Make all our programs accessible to any and everyone who wants it.
It is our desire to have Mailbox Club in thousands more homes this year.
Making the Discovery Time School program also available online
Virtual summer clubs this year and training summer missionaries to be ready to teach from the comforts of their homes using online tools.
What can you do?
1. Engage 5 children, or 5 families in a CEF program
2. Give a financial gift which helps equip the ministry as we transition our programming to become more versatile and accessible
3. Pray for wisdom, strength and go to battle with us on your knees
Our spring fundraiser focuses on 3 ministries - Discovery Time, 5-Day Clubs Summer Clubs and TruthChasers/Mailbox Clubs and our project goal of $60,000 helps us with the resources, and manpower needed to make that transition happen.
Anything raised over and beyond that goal will go towards supporting our 2021 summer missionaries