Project Borneo

Welcome to the team! How would you like to make a difference today?

Use this form to let us know where you would like your donation to go - or you can simply donate to the project as a whole.

Thank you!

The Borneo Project is a UK registered charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our SIC number is 91040.

Donor Wall190

Jerine W Ballard | £55

Jack Western | £300

Please use my Christmas money for anything needed


Merry Christmas to all the wonderful people who have kept working to look after the animals, in this most difficult of years.

Heather Cottrell | £50

Kate | £20

For the BINTURONG enclosure

Heather Cottrell | £500

Verena Jolly | £100

I'd like this to go towards an enriched Binturong enclosure please

Hanisah Hossain

Trimak kasih tolong jaga binatang Borneo kita tok

INFERNO Air Guitar Championship | £460.17

Sinéad | €100

Richard - thanks for keeping us laughing. Miss you all - especially the bears. 🖤💛

Heather | £500

Heather | £500

Isabelle | £500

Heather | £500

Heather Cottrell | £500

Heather Cottrell | £500

Nicola Jolly | £1,417.60

Please put my tax refund from last year towards a new enclosure for the Binturong!


Dear Team Project Borneo, especially Dom, Leo, Sam, Dave - working in Matang Wildlife Center really changed my life. I want to donate as my birthday present for you this amount to the people and of course animals who really need this more than me. Say hi to Aman, Katherine, Bunjao and all the others! I hope you all stay safe! And definitely looking forward seeing you some day again in Matang! Lots of love from Germany, Jana

Heather Cottrell | £500

Nicola | £2,500

£2,500 towards a new enriched enclosure for the Binturong. Lots of love to the dear animals, I hope they and all the staff and coping OK.

Heather Cottrell | £500

Nicola Jolly | £14

My little plant stall is generating a slow trickle of money for a Binturong enclosure.

Heather Cittrekk | £1,000


Lynette & Gav | A$100

Keep up the great work Team! We hope to see you again soon ! Gavin & Lynette

Heather Cottrell | £1,000

Paul Smith | A$120

Keep up the great work.

Heather Cottrell | £100

Nicola Barton-Hope | £28

Rachel | £100

I lived in Borneo volunteering at Matang for 6 months (on and off) when I was 21 - 12 years ago! Time flies. Amazing to see you're still doing such a brilliant job. Sending all my best to everyone on the team during this difficult time. XXX (and making this donation in memory of Hilary, who will always have a special place in all out hearts.)