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Please donate monthly to help our project reach it's goal. Our project will take thousands of pets off the streets.

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Protecting our Vulnerable Pets Needs to become a Priority, Because Now There is a Crises that needs to be Addressed. For many people their pets are a part of their family and just one of the kids. Let's come together and treat it like that.

What is Project 360? 

Project 360 is not just a platform; it's a community-driven initiative that will be piloted in the Charlotte North Carolina market. Imagine being able to virtually step into your favorite local shops, explore hidden gems, and engage with businesses in ways you've never experienced before. This is the power of Project 360 – a panoramic virtual business directory with a heart for sustainability and allowing users to earn and save money. Actual solutions that will help with community development more than any other development project thus far by developing tools that make life more productive, easier and safer.

Unfortunately We are All to Familiar

I have one of these signs right in front of my house. They are abundant and it is terrible for anyone to have to go through this pain. This is why we aim to create tools that will combat this crisis head on and reward people in the process. We can all get chip implants, but most people do not think losing a pet will happen to them, until it does. And other people may not even really care too much, unfortunately, they exist too. And people who care need to compensate for the animals benefit. 

These Number are Hard to Believe

The problem over lost pets in the United States is broadly recognized, but ‘actual’ statistics are hard to come by as no national reporting structure exists. Animal care and control agencies are not uniformly required to keep stats on the number of animals that are taken in, adopted, euthanized, or reclaimed.

Out of 1,000 shelters that replied to the National Council’s survey, 4.3 million animals were handled and roughly 64% percent of the total number of animals that entered these shelters were euthanized — approximately 2.7 million animals in just these 1,000 shelters. There are approximately 3,500 animal shelters in the United States. From these numbers we can glean the approximate size of the epidemic and euthanasia rate.

Our Expertise

Experience with 360-Degree Tour Technology: We've been at the forefront of 360-degree tour technology, constantly pushing the boundaries to create immersive and engaging experiences. Our expertise in this field has allowed us to develop a platform that bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Imagine being able to explore a local business, its products, and its atmosphere as if you were there in person. This innovative technology sets us apart.

Business Directory and Software Development: We understand the intricacies of developing effective business directories and the software required to support them. Our team has a proven track record of building robust and user-friendly platforms. Project 360 is the culmination of our experience, tailored to strengthen the connections between the local community and businesses. We're not just creating software; we're creating an ecosystem that brings people closer together.

Why Get Involved? Your donations will go to all of these amazing solutions! 

    1. Revolutionize Local Engagement: Experience a 360 virtual tour of local businesses, bringing you closer to the heartbeat of Charlotte
    2. Amber Alert System for Pets: Using geo technology, we are creating a "Amber Alert" system for pets that will ping on a map their location. The owner will then get alerts in real-time to help to locate and hopefully save them from harms way.
    3. Personalized Connections: Our platform goes beyond the ordinary, providing customized tools for each business vertical, ensuring a unique and personal touch.
    4. Your Community, Your Voice: Integrated social media features empower you to directly connect with businesses, share your experiences, and foster genuine relationships.
    5. Sustainability at its Core: We're committed to a healthier, more sustainable Charlotte. From promoting electric delivery vehicles to supporting local agriculture, we're making a positive impact on our environment.
    6. Non-Evasive Consumer Valued Advertising Model: Our advertising model will reward the customer, rather than being intrusive, annoying, and constant We will make sure your advertisers align with your values and your open and receptive to these companies. We will receive constant feedback to make sure our advertising model is something you prefer rather than loathe.

How You Can Help: Join Our Campaign!

We're turning to you, to be a part of this transformative journey. By contributing to our campaign, you're not just supporting a platform; you're investing in the vibrancy and sustainability of local communities everywhere. Share with your network, family and friends and let’s make this happen! You can even help to raise awareness, details are below.

What You Can Get: It Can Help Your Business

  • Donors $10 $200: Your contribution will give you a blue founders badge, and your name on the Founders page.

  • Donors $200 - $500: Your contribution will give you a green founders badge, your name on the Founders page and any paid tools for users that are created for 5 years.

  • Donors $1000 - $1500: Your contribution will give you a silver founders badge, your name on the Founders page and any paid tools for users that are created for life.

  • Donors $1000 - $2500: Your contribution will give you a black founders badge, your name on the Founders page and any paid tools for users that are created for life and a mid level business pack for life.

  • Donors $2500 - $5000: Your contribution will give you a purple heart founders badge, your name on the Founders page and any paid tools for users that are created for life and a Premium level business pack for life.

  • Donors $5000 and up: Your contribution will give you a gold founders badge, your name on the Founders page and any paid tools for users that are created for life and a multi state, multi- business, Premium pack for life.

  • How to Get Involved

    Make a contribution of your choice, be sure to leave a name and email and join us in making the Project 360 a reality!

    Every contribution counts, no matter the size. And also share with your network, family and friends to spread the word. And if you wish to help out further Click Here to access email templates to spread the word. And you may also share our peer to peer page at Donorbox. Let's come together as a community and redefine the future of local community.

    Thank you for being a part of the Project 360 journey.

    Warm regards,

    Mark Brzoska


    Project 360