Help Support PreProBono's Future!
Until now, PPB has proudly been able to provide our services by relying solely on contributions from fellows and alumni. We have been incredibly successful in serving our mission, but we want to be able to do more and expand our support, which is where we need your help.
In order to ensure a secure future for our program, we need more resources so that we can provide the following:
Livable Wages for directors to continue operating and growing our fellowship without the financial strain that might inhibit involvement;
Summer Stipends for fellows so they can fully commit to and focus on PPB’s rigorous curriculum without requiring another job;
Mental Health Support offered and encouraged so fellows can better manage the stress, anxiety, and burnout that often accompany LSAT prep and admissions applications;
Weekend Programs to serve a greater number of individuals outside of the fellowship who seek to study for the LSAT and apply to law school but are unable to commit to a 10-week program;
Revitalization of Our In-Person Programming which creates lasting connections and builds a lifelong support network for our PPB cohorts!
Our ability to provide these vital services is dependent on our financial resources as well as the passion of our community. Every dollar donated creates a sustainable PreProBono, strengthening lifelong community support and equitable access to legal careers.
For PPB Alumni:
We've created this donation rubric for PPB Alum to help you pay-it-forward at an appropriate level (but please give more if it's possible!):
Annual Salary: PPB Pay-It-Forward, based on 1% of income (Suggested donations; YES, please give more if you feel called. Every dollar counts.)
50-100K: $1000+/yr ($85/mo)
100-150K: $1500+/yr ($125/mo)
150-200K: $2000+/yr ($167/mo)
200-250K: $2500+/yr ($208/mo)
250-300K: $3000+/yr ($250/mo)
300-350K: $3500+/yr ($292/mo)
350-400K: $4000+/yr ($333/mo)
400-450K: $4500+/yr ($375/mo)
450-500K: $5000+/yr ($417/mo)
Your donation will ensure that we can continue running programs that equalize access to LSAT education, support underrepresented communities, and encouraging a culture of conscience in pre-law students. We can't do it without your help!
Donor Wall2
Julian | $100/M
Thank you for making my career in social justice possible.
Alina Artunian | $2,500
Thank you, PreProBono, for all that you’ve done for us! All our love, Alina & Justin Giles