Become a Member | Renew Membership | Central Alberta PPC

Sign up or renew today to become an official member of the People's Party of Canada!

Stay connected and informed on internal communications, events, issues and when the association will be holding meetings.

You'll be automatically subscribed to our national and local newsletters and communications. You can always unsubscribe at any time.

If renewing, please check the "Renewal" option and your membership will be extended accordingly.

If your membership has expired, please sign up as a new member.

All funds go to your local Regional Committee to continue the work of promoting the PPC here at home!


Want to signup or renew with a cheque? 
Please complete this form and mail it to the below address: 

Central Alberta PPC Regional Committee

PO BOX 1714

Didsbury, AB  T0M0W0

Please make cheque payable to "Central Alberta PPC Regional Committee"

Donor Wall 6

Nathan Cadotte | C$18

We must resolve Canada's problems before we should ever be concerned with the rest of the world. We cannot solve other's problems if we cannot fix our own.

Derek | C$35

Jean-Paul | C$35

Bill Whatcott | C$10

Thank you for standing for freedom and for a free market economy.


I am proud to support a party which stands for freedom and Canadian values.

Lisle Waterman | C$10

Thank you for representing true Canadian values