Fight division and hatred with purposeful conversations for real change

Help Flare bring clarity of purpose to a word in crisis!




Before COVID-19 struck, division and polarisation in our societies were increasing rapidly, pitching ordinary people against the system. Trust in institutions, political, economic and intellectual elites, as well as traditional information channels was continuously decreasing. Constructive dialogue was becoming difficult.


COVID-19 is shaking our societies, politics and economics to their very core. Our world will undoubtedly look very different when this crisis is over. Now more than ever we need to come together to plan our future in a new world. There is no time for noise, division and incoherence.




Flare helps all of us develop our shared story for the world we want to live in. We need this to inspire us to re-build our societies and our systems after the crisis in a way that truly works for all of us.

We bring unlike minds together and enable them to have difficult, purposeful conversations. We enable those with power and knowledge to act together for progressive change. 


How do we do this?


We break the usual patterns of engagement and unhelpful norms that limit dialogue. We push ourselves and others to reflect on hard questions, using evidence-based methodology.


We develop shared language that works for all, to tell a common story and work together for shared outcomes.


We practice what we preach, use language to inspire change and show the way.


We are a non-profit association registered in Belgium as an ASBL under the number 0726966894. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 6

Blair Glencorse | €100

Keep up the amazing work!

Julia Lalla-Maharajh | €50

Sonya Shellard | €100

Genius | €104.10

Richard Coppack | €11.70/M

Arthur | €52.20