Green Post-Corona Talks
Donate now to help advance forward-looking green ideas to shape the Europe that we want!
While disheartening in many ways, the current pandemic also presents an opportunity for us to make systemic shifts to improve the societies that we live in, so that we can ensure a sustainable and just world for ourselves and for future generations.
To achieve this, we need to spread powerful, innovative ideas that promote radical change in our society, especially to social groups normally kept out of the conversation. With its Green Post-Corona Talks, GEF is engaging experts, academics and political thinkers in meaningful conversations widely broadcast online. It is a series that addresses topics ranging from civil engagement and practices to work and social justice.
So, how can you help?
We rely on your generous contribution to continue putting together new, exciting Green Post-Corona Talks made extensively available to the general European public!
By making a donation to GEF today, you are working together with us to highlight and propel green ideas that push the frontier and bring us closer to a better world for us all!
Thank you for your support. We can only thrive together!