Portals to Awakening - Meditation Series

Awakening is already present. You couldn’t be ‘closer’ to it than you are now. That said, sages from myriad traditions across millennia have advocated for meditation as an indispensable practice through which enlightenment may be revealed.

We welcome you to explore with us some of the most impactful meditation practices available to humanity, all towards one aim:

Awakening to & Abiding as Your True Nature

Purpose Guides Institute is offering this series on a gift basis. We didn't want a paywall to preclude anybody from participating live or receiving the recording. If you are able to afford the suggested donation of $20 per session (or some other amount), we would greatly appreciate your help! Regardless of the amount you are able to give, we are deeply grateful for your support.

We want to continue offering these "no pay-wall" events, but they are time consuming and expensive to produce and we'd like to produce LOTS more of them!  Your support will enable us to keep offering these gatherings far and wide. Thank you.

NOTE: PGI is not a non-profit designated organization. Your contributions will not be tax-exempt according to IRS rules.
