School Everywhere! and FEPE's new child, Amarie Rose






August 2020 brings Sticking Up For Children forward with progress in the School Everywhere! recording Lessons for first-year students in Haiti and elsewhere.

Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, Principal of College Canapé-Vert in Port-auPrince, Haiti, and her Team of students and teachers have videos of seven of 25 Lessons completed. See excerpts from Module 1 on our website.

This month, too, we received audio tracks of poems and songs meant to enhance students' learning. Our 'Lagniappe for Learning' now has six tracks from John Sinclair and His New Orleans Blues Scholarsone from Cole Williams (her rendering of "Wade In The Water"), and a poem by William Blake, 'The Tyger', read by Maryse Philippe Déjean, and a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 'Found', read by Don Paul.  This week we recorded David Amram as he spoke in French to students and gave them stories of Jack Kerouac reciting Victor Hugo and Max Roach meeting and extolling the Haitian drummer Ti RoRo. We expect contributions of poems in French and Spanish from Jonathan Richman later this month. 

School Everywhere! is, in short, building toward its goal of literacy in at least two languages for first-year students in Haiti and elsewhere. Its model can make literacy available wherever online devices are working.

Yesterday, August 14, we had news from Madame Mariejo Poux, founder of the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage in Port-au-Prince. She and FEPE have an additional charge. The infant girl named Amarie Rose

came to FEPE in the past week. Amarie Rose has undergone many changes in her 20 months. Both her mother and her twin sister died in childbirth; Amarie Rose was delivered through a C-section. Her father died in a motorcycle accident shortly after her mother passed away. The grandmother who was taking care of baby Amarie Rose died suddenly and two young Uncles and one Aunt took up the responsibility to raise raise the baby for as long as their means could sustain this task. Earlier in August, however, they accepted that they and the infant needed outside help. They brought her to Mariejo and Mariejo added Amarie Rose to the 37 orphans already living in FEPE and attending the École Foyer Espoir school. 

We admire and applaud FEPE's great courage and generosity in taking in another child when shortages of food, electricity and water are a regular reality In Haiti. Daring to do for others is something great in itself. 

Now SUFC has a particular Campaign for Amarie Rose and the medical and nutritional needs of the 37

orphan students now living in FEPE. We want to raise $1600 for those costs and needs. Please indicate that her contribution is intended for those particular costs and needs that Mariejo and FEPE have taken on.

Contributors will receive monthly updates as Amarie Rose and the children at FEPE develop. Mariejo says that Amarie Rose is already getting along great with her new friends.


Sticking Up For Children is a 501c3 Public Charity, EIN 46 5026336. Donations and other contributions to SUFC are eligible for at least 50% tax-deductibility. Let us know if we should send you an acknowledgement by physical mail as well as through the Internet. Thank you!