Plastic Band






Our mission is to create and sell a cause-driven product to increase awareness of the impacts of plastic pollution and contribute to the implementation of a waste management system on the island of Maringkik, Indonesia. The economic state of the island, which is home to a 2000 people, is currently very poor and the plastic wastage accumulation is posing a threat to the island's inhabitants and the marine ecosystem.

It has been estimated that annually, 3.22 million metric tonnes of plastic garbage is deposited into the oceans surrounding Indonesia. Not only does the accumulation of plastic waste pollute the oceans and Indonesia's rivers, it also has a drastic impact on marine life as animals get entangled in the plastic waste and die. Further, the plastic wastage on the beaches results in the growth of bacteria and disease, impacting the health of local communities.

This is where we can make a difference. The overarching ambition of Plastic Band is to improve livelihoods, above and below the surface. Plastic Band will achieve this goal by providing job opportunities, boosting the third world economy and removing and recycling plastic wastage which has accumulated on the beaches in Indonesia.

If you would like to purchase a bracelet, visit our website: