As the only member-supported newsroom that focuses exclusively on the Princeton, NJ area, we seek to shed light on the workings of local government through public records requests and the coverage of municipal and school board meetings. We also report on the eateries, businesses, people and events that make our area special.

Please join a growing community of engaged area residents by becoming a subscribing member. Whether it’s $5 a month or $500 a year, your subscription will help ensure that Princeton has access to strong, independent public service reporting. Choose either a one-time subscription for a year or a monthly recurring subscription.

In the old days, readers subscribed to print newspapers for a fee. That revenue is needed for online news gathering in addition to other funding sources like ads, events and grants. Your subscription will help pay for records, court filing fees, technology, investigative reporting, college interns, and more. Local news websites need funding via a variety of means to be sustainable. You can help us stay in business and strengthen our reporting with your subscription. We hope by offering a voluntary subscription option instead of a paywall, we can continue to provide access to everyone. 

Payment Security - Planet Princeton cares about the security of your information. We use SSL and Stripe to process credit card information. We never store your sensitive information. Recurring monthly subscribers can log on to at any time to change subscription options. In addition to credit cards and ACH bank transfers, we still offer PayPal. Please note that contributions are not tax-deductible. Planet Princeton maintains its editorial independence and subscribers do not influence editorial decisions. Questions about subscriptions? Email