Poll: Help California make a Plan B






UPDATE: With your financial support, we were able to run the poll! See topline results at https://ic.institute/poll

This February, with your financial support, the Independent California Institute commissioned a historic poll on California Independence. This was the first poll ever to show:

  • A clear majority of Californians think we’d be better off if we peacefully seceded from the U.S.

  • A supermajority of Californians think we’d be better off negotiating special autonomous status within the U.S.

Our poll was a huge success in the news media: Newsweek covered it three times, and it was featured in two California-wide syndicated news columns.

We think it’s time to run another poll. For two reasons:

First, we want to know if the recent election has shifted Californians’ views on independence.

Second, we want to get Californians’ opinions on what our elected officials need to do to protect Californians and fight for California’s autonomy. California’s elected officials are currently scrambling to figure out how to respond to a second Trump administration, and we think they could use some new ideas.

Just like with the last poll we’re going to be partnering with YouGov, a reputable polling company.

To get meaningful results, we need to poll at least 500 Californians. It costs $12 to reach one randomly selected Californian and get them to spend several minutes answering questions.

If you could help us poll just one Californian, that would make a big difference. If you could help us reach 5 or even 10 Californians, that would be amazing!

And please, share this campaign with as many other people as you can. As our last poll showed, most Californians you talk are going to be open to independence.

Here’s to a better, more independent future for all Californians!

Donations to the Independent California Institute (EIN 83-1377726) are fully tax-deductible.

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Pamela Burnham | $12

I’m trying to move back to California from Texas, where my family lives, because California served my 55 year old son who has cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities. I was planning to move before the election because getting services in Texas is practically impossible unless one has a great deal of money. I made a terrible mistake in letting my sisters coax me to Texas. I couldn’t imagine that a state could be so stingy! I have missed California desperately for 4 years!