Support Officer Brad Lunsford
We can't let a state Attorney General with a woke agenda destroy the life of an Army veteran and police officer!
A state Attorney General with a woke agenda wants to destroy the life of a police officer in New Mexico -- who was forced to act to stop a violent suspect.
Now it's up to "pipe hitters" like you to stand with Officer Brad Lunsford and his family!
In August 2022, Officer Lunsford -- an Army veteran, 10-year police officer, and devoted dad of two -- was dispatched to a gas station for a call about shoplifting.
The suspect was in a vehicle with two other men when Officer Lunsford arrived.
The suspect repeatedly concealed his true identity and, as it was later learned, hid a large knife in his lap under a water bottle.
Officer Lunsford waited for back-up before attempting to get the suspect out of the vehicle.
When the suspect resisted officers, the second officer at the scene fell and struck his head on the ground. The suspect ended up on top of this officer and began trying to steal the officer's pistol!
Then, when his attempt was unsuccessful, the suspect stole the officer's taser, which could incapacitate two people at once.
Officer Lunsford was unable to pull the suspect off the officer on the ground -- and when the suspect gained control of the taser, Officer Lunsford was forced to use deadly force to stop the suspect and ensure he and his partner made it home alive.
Officer Lunsford returned to duty after the incident.
Yet more than a year later, the New Mexico Attorney General -- who previously worked in politics and as a fellow in the Obama White House -- decided to charge Officer Lunsford with voluntary manslaughter.
Now Officer Lunsford has been wrongly convicted of this charge … but the fight for justice isn't over yet!
We can't let the agenda of a woke state Attorney General destroy the life of those who take an oath to defend us.
The injustice that Officer Lunsford is facing has been detrimental to him and his family.
The constant stress and fear has taken a toll on their mental and physical well-being.
And the biased anti-law-enforcement movement has fueled their uncertainty of ever receiving justice in this case.
Officer Lunsford and his family are counting on "pipe hitters" like you more than ever before.
Please make your most generous gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or even more to stand with Officer Lunsford and his family right now.