Anchor Students in Hope!

In this Year of Jubilee, Pope Francis calls us to “fan the flame of hope that has been given us.” As Brothers of Hope, we strive daily to bring hope to a world that is confused, anxious, war-torn, and divided. On campus, students face a confusing combination of dullness and chaos.

The dullness comes from the routine and anonymity of student life– they’re a number. They don’t feel seen. They don’t feel valued. They don’t feel cared about.

Students need to be woken up by someone saying, “You do matter!” Hope is needed on campus because students won’t find it on their own in today’s world. We can lift their gaze up to things that make them come alive, pulling their attention out of the mundane and cloudiness of life.

Hope is an anchor in this crazy world. Many students are struggling in chaos.

Will you anchor them in hope with a gift today?

Your gift will make them new pilgrims of hope on their way to heaven!

Looking for information on how to give a bequest, gifts of stock, or other donation options? Click here.

Click here to give to our campaign.