Pick a Day to Donate
Pick a Day to Donate! RYMS PTO's Spring Fundraiser.
How it Works: Pick a day that coordinates with the amount you would like to donate. For example, 1st of the month pays $1 or 15th of the month pays $15. You can purchase as few or as many days as you would like.
The Goal: Of course, the first goal is to raise funds to support and enhance your Habu's education and enrichment at RYMS. All proceeds come back into RYMS. So, maybe we should say, incentives?!
A calendar blackout (all days purchased) - the first two students from each grade will be entered to win an Oculus Mega Quest (valued at $399). The remaining five students will receive a $75 gift card.
All students - for every day purchased, your student will receive one entry ticket into a raffle. There are four raffle baskets to win.
Lastly, the seminar class to raise the highest amount will win a pizza/ice cream party (their choice) (in April).
Why Fundraise: Did you know your student's teachers personally purchase items for the classroom to ensure your student is comfortable and thriving? Proceeds from this calendar fundraiser will support end of the year celebrations, classroom and start-up supplies and enrichment programs in RYMS.
While RYMS PTO hosts several small fundraisers throughout the year to support and recognize our students and staff, the Pick a Day to Donate calendar fundraiser is the first opportunity for our Habu families to engage relatives and friends in support of their education. The funds raised with Pick a Day have the potential to make a significant impact at RYMS.
1st Cooper Canterbury $702.71 raised 18 donations
2nd Avalee Jones $72.78 raised 3 donations
3rd Kaylee Dee Bill $33.13 raised 1 donation
4th Bay Cunanan $31 raised 1 donation
5th Renee Wilson $15 raised 1 donation
You can also help us to achieve our goals!
I want to fundraise for this