Phillip & Amy Ward Missions Support

Phillip & Amy Ward are both full-time missionaries with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) and the University of the Nations in Kailua Kona, HI. They are in the processing of moving to the Nashville, TN area in December to plant a new Fire &Fragrance YWAM base and Phillip will be planting a construction Trade School. They do not get paid for what they do and are required to raise all their own financial support. They created their own non-profit ForWard Mission as way for people to make tax deductible donations. They both serve in major areas of leadership in the mission as well as train missionaries all over the world. They are in crucial time of fund raising so that they can continue on in the call to missions. Every donation is a blessing but the committed monthly support is the most helpful for them to plan and budget etc. Thank you for considering Philip and Amy, they are good soil!