Petition to Stop Radical Ralph’s Gun Ban
THANK YOU for signing our petition to Stop Northam’s Gun Ban. Heavily funded by Bloomberg’s out-of-state millions, the gun grabbers are not going to stop… unless you stop them.
Last session your donations enabled us to put heavy pressure on State Senators and Delegates and stop the gun grabbers.
But, according to our sources, they are going to try it again this August, so we have a lot of work to do.
Like a gun without ammo, without your donations we will be powerless to stop Northam.
So I am asking you to donate $500, $250, $100 or whatever you can afford right now so that we can get ahead of the Northam Gun Ban and stop it before it even starts!
Every single dime will be used here in Virginia to STOP any further attempts to further ban any firearms.
In Liberty,
S. Chris Anders
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives