Perrigo Crisis Relief Fund
The Perrigo Crisis Relief Fund was created to help Charitable Class members who are in need of immediate financial assistance following an unforeseen disaster or personal hardship. The Fund relies on support from the sponsoring organization (Perrigo Company PLC) and individual donations made by Perrigo Company's partners, employees, and/or the general public. Every donation makes a difference, no matter the amount, and combined with the donations of others, helps to provide grants when they are needed most.
Donor Wall28
Ken Ferguson
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill
Leanne Brydon
A wonderful initiative by Perrigo, my wish is that those who need this support are on the road to recovery as soon as possible
Kevin | £52.19
Anne Waelkens
Nicole Case | $52.23
Fernando | $52.23
Rik | $52.23
Monique Vonk | €52.21
My thoughts are with you all in the Ukraine
Marije | $52.23
Our thoughts are with our colleagues in the Ukraine, stay safe
Irena Ozga- Savery | £78.11
David Kirunda | $104.15
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your families
Darius | €52.20
My prayers and thoughts are with you all + your families.
Jenny Kirby | £104.07
(From Chris Kirby) - Thinking of you in Ukraine and sending support.
Niall | $52.23
Jenny Kirby | £104.07
My thoughts are with you all and your families, we cannot begin to imagine what you're going through! Stay safe!
Thinking of you all
Peter Declercq | $100
my thougts are with all our UKrain colleagues, family and friens
Sigibert Haber | €104.12
Laure LEFEVRE | €62.59
Aldona | £78.11
Mareike Vogt | $104.15
Charmaine | A$100
My thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues in Ukraine.
Vanessa Fellner | $104.15
Ramona S. Heißner | €100
Gillian Nealon | $52.23
Yvon Desmurs | $52.23
"The very essence of solidarity, is that not to admit exclusion" Quote from Victor Hugo.
Johann Muro | $104.15