Pave the Promenade

The magnificent Mendota Union Depot mural is up and it is beautiful! Now it’s time to create the promenade where residents and tourists can gather to relax and enjoy the view. 

Join us to Pave the Promenade by buying commemorative engraved bricks and benches to line the perimeter of the promenade. Here are some ways that you can help make that happen.

  • Buy an engraved 4 x 8-inch brick for $100 (max 18 characters per line/3 lines max suggested)

  • Buy a bench with a dedicated plaque for $1,600 (only 4 available)

  • Donations in any amount will be used for the maintenance and upkeep of the magnificent Mendota Union Depot mural and promenade

The Mendota Union Depot mural is a testament to the civic pride of past and present Mendota residents. It is a beautiful, historically accurate depiction of Mendota’s rich history as a railroad hub in America’s heartland, and many of you have had a hand in making it become a reality.

We are counting on your continued support to Pave the Promenade. Remember that your gift is tax-deductible.


Mendota Raise the Depot Committee, 

Michelle Wade    DeAnna Carlson    Christine Coughlin    Kurt Bruno

Karyn Bock    Shelby Weide        Aaron Elston    Rusty Stackelwitz     Frank Kobilsek

Julia Messina    

Pave the Promenade


☐ $100 Engraved promenade brick        

☐ $1,600 Promenade Bench with engraved plaque

☐ Other ________________General operating and maintenance donation


Name ____________________________________________________________________





  • Write an inscription below for your commemorative brick or bench plaque that will be installed in the promenade. (max 18 characters per line/3 lines max suggested)


Call 815-866-5167 or write for further information: NCI ARTworks  PO Box 1251   LaSalle, IL 61301

NCI ARTworks is a 501(c)(3) Illinois and IRS recognized non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible.