Patricia Zimmermann Memorial Fellowship Fund
We are thrilled to announce that The Flaherty and Visible Evidence are partnering to co-create a new Fellowship Fund in honor of the late Patty Zimmermann (1956-2023).
Together, our two organizations are fundraising for a Patricia Zimmermann Professional Development Fellowship, with the proceeds to be divided equally between The Flaherty Seminar and the Visible Evidence Conference.
As a connector and builder, Patty was an indomitable force in both our communities. She inspired and nurtured the intellectual and generative processes of so many scholars and artists while remaining herself curious and open to reinvention. Her legacy as an author, presenter, and visionary thought leader in the film world cannot be underestimated.
You can learn more about Patty and her work here:
Our funding goal of $20,000 will award fellowships to emerging curators, scholars, artists, and historians of alternative and new media to attend either The Flaherty Seminar or Visible Evidence XXX, and engage in other affiliated mentoring activities.
We hope to carry this Fellowship forward into the future as a tribute to Patty’s work in the film world as a scholar, community builder, creator, historian, and adventurous explorer and chronicler of new media.
“The drone video over the city [of Wuhan during lockdown for COVID-19 pandemic] evokes an unknown world to come… one that is unclear, still forming, liminal. This new undetermined world will be built from memory, science, information, public health, community. And it will forever dispose of that politically corrupted word: “normal.” --- Patricia Zimmermann, 2023
Please join us now in making any donation - large or small - to make the 2024 Patricia Zimmermann Fellowship Fund a reality!
** If you wish to donate but are unable to do so via this form, please reach out to info at theflaherty dot org with the subject line: Patty Zimmermann Memorial Fellowship.
Cheques can be sent to: The Flaherty, 80 Hanson Place, #603, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Donor Wall 31
Stewarat | $1,041.44
This gift is in memory of Patty from Stewie and Sean
Gail Silva | $104.42
John Knecht | $104.39
Bruce Jenkins | $104.42
Carla Golden | $200
Jeff and Judy Claus and Hyman | $250
So much love and respect for Patty. She was a dynamo with a deep conscience, and a wide ranging collaborator for good!
Victoria Funari
Stephen Tropiano | $104.42
Patty Z = Professor + Mentor +Comrade + Friend
Michelle Citron | $104.39
steve speil | $1,039.36
My one word for Patty: "Infinite". Patty's infinite capacity to love, teach, collaborate, connect, embrace, encourage, commiserate, etc.
Steven Montgomery | $100
Sandy Flitterman-Lewis | $104.42
David Madson | $520.87
Helen De Michiel | $572.93
Amanda Rose
Excited to contribute to Fellowships that will take Patty’s inspiration forward
Jeffrey Skoller | $104.42
Here's to the memory of Patty's extraordinary contributions and generosity. I hope this fellowship continues her spirit for generations to come.
Alisa Lebow | $104.42
May Patty's force be with us all!
What a beautiful way to honor Patty and bring to light her indelible spirit that touched so many and will continue to shine bright in generations to come.
Alexandra Juhasz | $50
so glad to honor Patty and assist all who will follow
Julia Tulke
William Uricchio | $1,000
Stewart Auyash | $520.87
Faye Ginsburg
Delighted to help carry on the spirit of Patty Zimmermann's generative, rigorous and joyful presence.
sandra gaudenzi
Sean Auyash | $500
A reminder from mom, for all of us. "Art is not a mirror, it is a hammer - Bertold Brecht.
Carlos Gutierrez | $52.37
Judith Aston | $104.39
To help keep Patty's spirit and guiding star burning brightly
debra zimmerman | $104.39
Patty, Now More Than Ever!