Chabad of CMH Pesach Campaign






At the Seder we read about the four sons, the wise, the wicked, the simple and the son who does not know how to ask. The Lubavitcher Rebbe points out, that today, we unfortunately have a “fifth son” – the Jewish child who does not even show up to the Seder because of indifference, ignorance or assimilation - or perhaps, just a lack of resources.


As we enjoy our festival, and look forward to time spent with friends and family, it is most important that we remember those of our brethren who are unfortunately unable to celebrate as we do. 

It is our responsibility to help them. And today, you CAN!


Your gift will:


1. Distribute hundreds of Shmura Matzot throughout Crouch End, Muswell Hill, Highgate, and area, to Jews affiliated and not. Matzah is the bread of faith and healing, and so many express their appreciation that the Jewish community has not forgotten them, and is concerned for their Pesach.

2. Print and distribute a Pesach magazine - including a "how to" guide for the Seder, inspiration & stories, along with special #youbetheirlight shabbat candles for the hostages.

3. Provide a Community Seder where Jews of all walks of life will gather for a beautiful inspirational evening, at a discounted price, and for many with no charge to them at all.


Chabad's Pesach budget is over £6,000(!) - please give generously and ensure a Pesach full of meaning and comfort to hundreds.

Chabad of Crouch End and West Haringey is a registered Charity #1192714. All information is handled in accordance with our privacy policy linked at the bottom of the page