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Passion Project DR

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As a teacher of children with special needs, my heart pours for this population.
Thinking of the limited resources available to children with special needs, I immediately wonder, "Am I doing enough?"
Our dedication to underprivileged kids in the Dominican Republic has gotten us here.

When I thought of helping children in the DR with Special Needs, it was not a Passion Project to me. To me, it was the ability to just give back to those that are less fortunate than me. Along the way, my children and husband started getting involved and fell in love with the idea of HELPING. Today, a few months later after coming out publicly to friends and family (Nov '21), I am amazed and overwhelmed with love of how many folks actually are willing to HELP. As a result, Passion Project DR was born. What started as a personal mission to help as a one time thing, has now turned into a full blown project.

Besides helping the 5 Children with Special Needs that today we know as: Pamela, Diosmary, Kikito, Albert, and Andrys, because of your help, I feel empowered to expand my mission to help many more. That said, we have learned a ton in a few months, but have made a BIGGER impact. We are changing lives.

One of the things I learned is that besides the gifts, my mission is to promote mobility and wellbeing. As a result, I have taken the Executive decision to focus our efforts of helping these children WALK and make sure they have the proper medicine intake. Thank you to @irorehabilitacion and @farmaciapopularpuertoplata for helping me day in/out execute this vision.

Today our children are getting physical (among many other) therapies and the proper medicine to fulfill our mission. But as mentioned, let’s go for more. 

I believe that together we can do more than just 5 families. While the initial fundraiser helped get off the ground, I still need your help. Your commitment. Join me in continuing to expand our Passion Project. Needless to say THANK YOU for all your support.

Exclusive Raffle

@CasaCiriacoPOP has partnered with @PassionProjectDR for an Exclusive Raffle. 

@PassionProjectDR is raising funds to help Special Needs children in the Dominican Republic (Puerto Plata) have the ability to some day WALK by paying for their services such as Physical Therapies + Medicine required to enhance their mobility and promote their wellness.

Thanks to @CasaCiriacoPOP, Donate $20 and receive Two (2) raffle ticket entries into this exclusive raffle below. 

Grand prize: 3-night stay (Free) at @CasaCiriacoPOP in Puerto Plata, DR. 

Disclaimer: Flight to the Dominican Republic is not included. 

Winner Announcement: On Sunday, July 10th during @PassionProjectDR's Pop-Up Shop, the announcement will be made during the free Hors D’oeuvres + Happy Hour (3-5pm) sponsored by @PatePalo_NYC. 

How to win: 

- Follow @PassionProjectDR 

- Donate $20 to sponsor a Special Needs Child in the Dominican republic. 

With Every $20 donation, you will receive Two (2) raffle entries. 

@PassionProjectDR will keep tally of your total entries and will submit on your behalf for a chance to win.

Get your Donations in soon and help us meet our goal to help children in the DR with Special Needs while entering an Exclusive Raffle. 




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