Parts of Peace

 Parts of Peace is committed to fostering community cohesion by increasing access to support services that promote family stability and financial empowerment. We work toward our mission by leveraging existing community resources and assets and eliminating barriers to access. 

Through our #PoPPantries program we are effectively increasing access to the basic human necessities of food and hygiene items. Our program is designed for gap families but open to anyone who self-identifies as needing help accessing these items. 


Use this link to  learn more about PoP Pantries or to see PoP Pantry Locations


During COVID-19,  we are working to increase access to basic preventative and emergency hygiene items to families in Baltimore impacted by the global health crisis by making free hygiene items available with curbside pick-up or by delivering items directly to families free of charge.

Click here to see highlights of our COVID-19 efforts. Photos of our COVID-19 efforts are pictured below:




Pictured below is a photo of our first #HygienePoPPantry, located at the Langston Hughes Community Center. 


*Parts of Peace is a 501c3. All donations are tax-exempt to the fullest extent of the law.