The Gideon Mandate

The Lord spoke to me in a dream, He said prepare a generation of miracle workers, prophets and intercessors. "Prepare for them for this end time harvest.”

In 2021, God mandated us with the vision to raise up 300 torch-bearers to carry the fire of revival. The vision is to train, equip, and send out an army of miracle workers and prophetic voices for the end-time harvest.

Is God calling you to be a torch-bearer? You can be part of the remnant.

Torch-bearers will:

  • Carry the fire of revival
  • Train in our exclusive facebook group
  • Receive monthly teachings and resources
  • Have access to live zoom calls
  • Be monthly givers to be part of the harvest seed
  • Take part in challenges to stretch your faith
  • Study monthly reading material for spiritual growth
  • Receive discounts on products and annual conference registrations
  • Receive book endorsements
  • Attend our yearly luncheon

If you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to connect with our ministry and with the anointing on Jesse and Amy's lives, you are right where you need to be. Join The Gideon Remnant today!

Donor Wall3


Leah Iffland | $30/M

Brian Hampton | $30/M