Oahu Short Term Rentals Alliance needs your Support
The Oahu Short-Term Rental Alliance is a group of responsible short-term rental hosts and managers, staff, contractors, local businesses, real estate professionals, and others who rely on the value that private accommodations bring to our island.
The organization is run by unpaid volunteers who are passionate about legal mid and short-term rentals on Oahu.
Your donations to OSTRA will help us market and promote fair regulations and balanced solutions to the problems faced by short-term housing industry.
Donor Wall 12
Hawaii Dream Realty LLC | $250
Thanks for protecting our constitutional property rights. Government needs to be stopped. Hotels have strong lobbying.
Tommy M
Chito | $100
Many thanks for your tireless efforts on our behalf
Mike L | $100
Thank you Ostra for going to Bat for the community to uphold fair and equitable laws regarding short term rentals especially the injunction against the 90 day minimum requirement. thank you ! thank you !
Swiss Pacific homes LLC | $1,000
Ronald & Karli Tario
We have rights too!!
This law profits the hotels and hurt the locals who are trying to find ways to pay their mortgage!
Terrie Easley | $250
William | $100
Francisco | $100/M
Our deepest gratitude for helping to support this vital and necessary effort to protect our property owner's rights.