Orinoco Tribune - We need you help!






Dear readers, Orinoco Tribune needs your help to keep operating and providing alternative information about Venezuela for English speakers.

We estimate that to keep doing our work at least USD 400 are required per month. In order to improve our work we would be talking about USD 800 income per month. The average donation for the curren period is around USD 180 monthly, so we are way behind what is needed to keep us afloat.


Single donations are important but monthly subscriptions/donations are the best way for us to organize expenses because of the regularity and it’s implications in terms of planning. A good USD 10-15 monthly donation multiplied by 35 patrons would mean a lot to us. That’s our goal. Of course single donations are always welcome.

The situation in Venezuela tends to get more complex by the hour and the operation costs also increase in an exponential fashion. We love what we are doing and we will keep doing it with or without donations but with the right funding we would be more efficient and we will work harder to improve the areas that need improvement, avoiding using corporate advertisement that we decided not to use a few weeks back.

We have received donations via PayPal without problem because our account is associated to a US bank account, we also can received  donations via crypto currencies (bitcoin) and we just create this donorbox-stripe account. But if you are not inclined to use those services we could provide you with additional details (like for sending checks) if you let us know in an email to orinocotribune@gmail.com or using our social network channels (facebook, twitter, instagram or linkedin).

Thank you in advance for your support.

Jesus Rodriguez-Espinoza


Donor Wall1

Juanita Rodriguez | $25