OPTF Donation

The OPTF is the non-profit foundation behind the privacy-preserving applications  Session and Lokinet. These apps are used by hundreds of thousands people all over the world every day. Your donation exclusively helps pay for the servers, bandwidth, and continued development of our applications. 

Session is a free, open source, privacy-focused messaging application. It is an ongoing project of the OPTF.

OPTF LTD is a registered Not for Profit Charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC). The OPTF's purpose is to build open-source, metadata-free communications tools and apps that defend privacy in the digital world.

Please make a donation today.

If you would like to donate anonymously using cryptocurrency, please refer to this page.

We are a registered charity with the Australian Not for Profit and Charity Commission (ACNC). Your donation is not tax-deductible.