Operation Base Camp
We are launching into the most vital calendar year financially since Heart Shot's inception. We have a deadline to purchase our outdoor property known as Base Camp in July, 2020. We have been blessed to rent/use this property for the past 4 years, and the time has come to purchase it outright. The property is 31 acres with 2 dwellings and 3 out buildings and consists of mainly timber, where we host outdoor archery programs. We use Base Camp to bless our patrons with outdoor experiences, while also raising funds to help offset general operating expenses of Heart Shot Ministry, Inc. Our goal is $300,000, which will purchase 20 acres and 1 dwelling outright, provide down payment for the other 11 acres with the remaining buildings, and purchase the equipment needed for long term care of the property. Every dollar over our goal is a dollar we don't have to borrow from the bank. Please help us reach our goal and beyond!Base Camp Lodge
Trails for outdoor archery