

Become a sponsor to OpenRefine

Who we are

OpenRefine is made up of volunteer and sponsored contributors constantly improving the software you love. We are funded by grants and gifts from institutions and individuals such as yourself. Our website is

Code for Science and Society, Inc. (CS&S) is the fiscal host for OpenRefine who retains the payments that you make to OpenRefine and handles our financial accounting and reporting.
Code for Science and Society, Inc. is a registered US 501©(3) public charity. EIN 81-3791683
You can visit their website at

How we use your donation

When you sponsor OpenRefine with a recurring monthly payment, the funds are sent to CS&S and used to fund project activities such as new features, bug fixes, documentation and new releases. Examples of expenses include developer contracts, paid internships, domain name, events, etc.

Code for Science and Society is a registered US 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law in US. Tax ID 81-3791683