#OneTeam for Kenya






Watercolors at GRACE Nanana

Our team is dedicated to being an ally to our friends in Kenya. We committed to being advocates and a source of support for GRACE Nanana, Ruben Centre, and Kajiado Child Care Centre back in 2017. Now, as they wade through the impacts of a global pandemic and historical drought, we're stepping up in a big way. We want to raise $500,000 as a team by 9/30/2022. We can do it, we should do it, and we believe that - with the help of our friends, neighbors, families, and networks - we will do it. Welcome to the challenge, we're so glad you're part of #OneTeam for Kenya.

Interested in following our progress, sharing on social media, or creating your own fundraising page? Join us here. 

Recess at Ruben Centre

Lunch Break at Kajiado Child Care Centre

Donor Wall5

Laura Johnson

Love that you're doing this fundraiser - education is so important!

Katherine Paxton | $100

Nicole | $50

Janet | $75

Laura | $100

Kicking off my personal fundraiser. So proud to stand with our partners in Nairobi and Kajiado!