Nutrition Centre
We have served thousands of malnourished children in our nutritional centre at The King’s Village. This includes admitting severely malnourished children and their mothers for six weeks of intense support and for at risk children, an outreach programme. The development of almost 40% of children in the district are stunted due to malnourishment. Since the nutrition centre opened in 2008 it has saved the lives of over 15000 acutely malnourished children.
If you would prefer to make a donation by bank transfer, please use the following UK bank details:
Account name: The Kings Village Ghana
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00032756
IBAN: GB03CAFB40524000032756
Or send a cheque to The King's Village Ghana, PO Box 6393, Nottingham, NG5 6GL, United Kingdom
If you are UK tax payer you can increase the value to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself, by completing this online GIFT AID FORM
Thank you for your generosity.