Northeast Organic Family Farm Partnership

In August 2021, over 130 organic family dairy farms across eastern NY, VT, NH and ME were suddenly and unexpectedly notified that their milk contracts would not be renewed after the next year. Unless these farms (which in many cases have been there for generations) find alternate outlets, they will face dire financial futures, including closure for many. The only long-term solution for these farmers, and all of the region’s organic family farmers, is to encourage grocers, food co-ops, restaurants and food service venues to commit to increasing their purchases from the brands who get their milk from these farms. THIS IS THE MISSION OF OUR PARTNERSHIP. 

Contribute TODAY!  Your donations of any amount help us to get out the word to reach millions across our region.

The Northeast Organic Family Farm Partnership is a project of the Maine Organic Farming and Gardeners Association, a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Donor Wall 18


Please consider also keeping cattle out of stanchions for most of the day, for most of the year.

Claudette | $100

Linda Almeida | $100

Sustainable farming and practices are imperative to our health and wellbeing. As a society we must do everything we can to assure that organic principles and products remain an option. Thank you for all you do to contribute to that endeavor.

Katherine | $36

Can we change Horizon's decision? What is the most effective way to let them know how poor their decision is (besides boycott)?

Patrick | $50

Cristine Kossow | $100

I am an artist in Middlebury VT who paints cows. I don't want to lose my subject matter.

Judy Fletcher

This issue is intensely important to all of us!

Helen Kees | $100

My hope for this new organization is that it will create a groundswell for building cooperatively owned, regionally based processing plants. Perhaps Organic Valley will take the lead in building or renovating these plants. Once the support for these ethically and regeneratively based farms and products are acclaimed across the country, via your diligent work, it will be a “no brainer.”

Lynne | $100

Pam | $25

Quality organic dairy products are a part of Vermont. When we know that factory farming is awful for animals and for us then supporting this should be obvious.

Patrick Sheridan

We have no choice in the matter. It's imperative that retailers and consumers commit to keeping these family farms in business and thriving. And it's not difficult - pledge your support, follow though on your pledge, donate to this cause! The alternative sets us back decades in advancement of a righteous cause and opens the door further to factory operations that separate us from the land and the quality natural food and dairy we desire.

Kelly Slater | $20

Michelle Tower | $50

Please purchase from your local organic farmers - they are the future of our world.

Kelly Shea | $400

Eric Hatch | $50

We love our VT family farms!

Deb Vincent | $100

I am pledging my support from Minnesota! I will do what I can locally by purchasing brands that I can find here, donating and asking my local Cooperative to be informed of this issue and purchase whatever they can to support the small organic farmers of the NE (and not Danone/Maple Hill Creamery).

John F Delgado | $25

We stand with You. Your healthy farm products provide the food we need to maintain our health and lives. A SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR


It's about community and ethics,not big business.