Northbridge Public School Building Fund






The P&C Association aims to support the school in many ways, including through financial contributions to the school. In 2022, the P&C contributed $87,421 to the provision of new furniture for the School classrooms and important IT tools to supplement students’ learning experience. Previous to that, the P&C made a $270,000 donation to the School to fund the construction of the permanent roofed structure (COLA) on the basketball court. This facility provided the school with a versatile and valuable all-weather teaching area.

Our current project is to replace the School’s playground and climbing equipment, scheduled for this academic year at an estimated cost of $100,000. 

In addition to this, we are now fundraising towards a technology and cosmetic upgrade for the school's hall.

As the previous donations have used up almost all of the money in the Fund, we are asking each family to consider making a voluntary tax-deductible donation at a suggested amount of $200 per family.

Donations to this fund of over $2 are tax deductible. 

Northbridge Public School Building Fund donations are tax deductible over $2. The donor does not receive, or expect to receive, any material benefit or advantage in return.