Marcia Mullett
Fundraising on behalf of Only7Seconds®
Fundraising on behalf of Only7Seconds®
When we talk about ending loneliness for youth— it sometimes feels like we're talking about taking a bite of an elephant. How can we change something that has become a monster in society and seemly holds an entire generation in a chokehold?
I used to wonder about that, but honestly I don’t anymore.
After being a part of this over the last 5 years, hearing the stories, and seeing first hand the impact— I know the work we’re doing is the right thing. ⚡️
I literally got a story last week of a high schooler who attempted to take her life twice last month and yet, today she said Only7Seconds has been a reminder that there is help and resources for when she’s struggling. And that she knows it’s that for others too. That’s just 1 story out of hundreds. We live in a world where Only7Seconds needs to exist. And I'm so glad it does. Will you join me in making sure that continues?
It’s time for a connection revolution.