The National Organization for Marriage is powered by YOU.
Your donations allow us to continue to be our nation's largest organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the truth about marriage and the family.
From our successful ballot initiative efforts including Proposition 8 in California, to our latest state victories against the transgender agenda, to our Dump Disney boycott, we never give up and never give in to the woke crowd.
All donations will be matched through May, and monthly donations will be matched an entire year.
That's 12x our ability to fight!
Donor Wall7
Jane Nicklas | $41.85
Thank you & God bless!
Pienso que esto hay que enfrentarlo con un enfoque constructivo, positivo, bien fundamentado, sin "fobias", pero exponiendo nuestra visión bien sustentada de la sexualidad humana, sus bases, los fundamentos biológicos, filosóficos. religiosos. médicos etc. No somos anti nada,
Katherine Shaw Spaht
James | $53
Giovanni | $104.15
Tod Rapp | $52.23
Jerry | $15/M