Qualifying Ballot Fee for FL’s 6th congressional district is $6,960. Therefore, 1st goal of our campaign>>> raise TOTAL fee from small group at one time. Done is what this needs to be. These donation peeps will all know Gerry Nolan AND each will know the other. The members of the campaign’s “Founding Crew” will determine themselves how many peeps will be in their ranks to place Gerry on the ballot. These alpha/angel round contributors MUST understand they are 1 of 3 people (each @ $2,320)… or, 1 of 6 (each @ $1,160)… or, 1 of 10 (each @ $696) donating together at an agreed upon one time to put Gerry Nolan on the ballot. WE are in the game! Will always remember who gave us this opportunity.

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