Say NO to Nolan!

Christina Nolan is no conservative. The people of Vermont need to reject this radical candidate.


Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. Gifts of over $200 are reportable to the FEC as independent expenditures. To donate to the general work of the National Organization for Marriage, visit

Donor Wall11

Richard Wyke | $15

There's not question, this goes contrary to what the founders agreed to, in order to protect the land from spiritual harm. Richard Wyke

Sharon Begosh | $15

RINO’S are as bad as electing Dems

John | $35

Douglas | $25

Christina Nolan must be stopped!

Joseph Healy

Jane Nicklas | $35

Thank you for all that you do to protect God's plan of creation. Traditional marriage & family are crucial for a civilized, free world. God bless!

Joe | $35

Truth by itself, after misleading statements is but excuse to lie and betray again.

Donna | $200

Larry Campisi | $35

Elsie Rothfus | $50

I am 100% pro-life & don't want "Republicans" like this!!

Peter Watson | $100

This is blatant Satanic Evil. God save the USA it is perilously close to being lost.