For many years we have been raising concerns over EU taxpayers’ money being channelled to Israeli companies and institutions accused of war crimes and involved in violations of international law and human rights.
Although Israel is not an EU country, since 1995 Israeli applicants have been able to access EU research funds on the same basis as EU member states through the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
The European Union for years has been expressing “deep concerns” and “condemnations” over Israel’s “targeted killings” and illegal settlements – therefore should it be funding the very companies that sustain these unlawful activities?
In our campaigning we are focusing on the EU’s and European complicity in Israeli apartheid. Our aim is to work towards ending economic ties between the European governments and Israeli settlement and military industry.
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How is the EU funding the Israeli military-industrial complex?
For years the EU has been funding Israeli military companies through its research programs. The two Israeli companies, the privately-owned Elbit Systems and the government-owned Israel Aerospace Industries are benefiting from European funding in the framework of their participation in research programs like Horizon 2020.
Elbit Systems develops its drones together with the Israeli military and promotes its technology as field tested – on Palestinians. It provides 85% of the drones used by Israel in its repeated military assaults and continued inhumane siege on Gaza.
Elbit: participant in four Horizon 2020 projects; received almost 2 millions EUR of EU contribution
Israeli Aerospace Industry (IAI) - the second-largest Israeli military company and a major manufacturer of drones used by the Israeli military. Its drones are also widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. Israel Aerospace Industries is also a key partner in the construction of Israel’s illegal Wall.
IAI: participant in seven Horizon 2020 projects, received 7. 35 million EUR of EU contribution
In addition, in 2019 European agencies: FRONTEX and EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) were leasing Israeli drones for border surveillance in the Mediterranean Sea. In June over 10 thousand European citizens signed a petition to demand an end to a drones deal between the EU and Israel.
To find our more read our latest briefing: EU and Israel – The case of complicity
For more see http://www.eccpalestine.org/ or follow us on facebook or twitter: @ECCPBrussels
If you want to find out more about the ways the EU is funding Israeli military companies watch our video.
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Donor Wall 15
theodore | €20/M
As a European community we must stand by our values such as humanity and compassion. Your work is essential and is a step towards our firm tenets
Ilse | €100
Robert Simon | €100
L'Europe doit favoriser la paix, non la guerre. Et soutenir le droit international. Que fera t elle si la Cour Internationale de Justice condamne Israel pour génocide et demande un cesser le feu?
I hope you win, the killing of innocent civilians has stop
Margit Schmidt | €5
Nina Medea
Palestine will be free! #welcometoTheHague #justiceiscoming
Keep up the good work. It's making a difference.
AA van Puijvelde
Björn Luley | €100
Es ist skandalös, dass europäische Steuergelder nach Israel fliessen können, um dortige Waffenentwicklung zu finanzieren. Warum lassen unsere EU-Parlamentarier dies zu und jagen die israelischen Lobbyisten in Brüssel nicht zum Teufel?
Heinz Assenmacher | €100
Jacques | €10/M
Bravo ! La cause des Palestiniens est essentielle aussi pour l'Europe.