




Nick's Snack Pack Inc is a non-profit organization that gifts boxes full of Certified Gluten-Free snacks to children diagnosed with Celiac Disease!

For those who aren't familiar, Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the the small intestine. The only treatment for for Celiac Disease is to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet. It is estimated the 1 in 100 people worldwide have Celiac Disease, and it affects an estimated 3 million Americans. 

Nick's Snack Pack Inc was inspired by our oldest son, Nick, who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease at the age of 3. As you can imagine, requiring a strict gluten-free diet isn’t always easy for a 7 year old. Birthday parties, school events and holidays are just a few examples of when Nick can feel left out. When snacks are offered in these settings, they often aren’t gluten-free. Not only is it disappointing for him, it’s a constant reminder that he is different from his peers. We know he isn’t alone in feeling this way, and studies have shown that children with Celiac Disease have greater levels of anxiety and depression.

And that’s why we felt inclined to start this non-profit where our mission is to bring JOY to children diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and to do so in the form of SNACKS! Through these Snack Packs we are determined to bring EXCITEMENT back to snack time!

Every single donation will help us fill a box full of safe snacks for them to enjoy, and is sure to put a SMILE on a child's face!

We appreciate your support!

Donor Wall 20

Hanover Insurance Group | $400

Bryan Wingate | $1,000


Kim Schlereth | $50

Nell | $15


Thanks for all you’re doing to encourage kids with celiac ❤️

Chris | $25


Y'all are doing amazing work! Glad to be a small part of it!

Dean & Angela McGee

Well done, Nick! Your pal, Max McGee.

Christopher DeStefanis | $100

Great job Nick Jen and Joe!

Chubb Charlotte | $300

Brent Banchansky | $150

Reagan Folk | $150


Will Giambalvo | $500

Robert Chipman | $100


Great job nick!

Jason | $10

Elaine | $50

Such a good cause!

Jenelle | $100

Love you guys!