New England School of Missions






Donate to a school and start your legacy today that will leave a lasting impact on the leaders of tomorrow. Be a part of their dream to spread the gospel beyond their home cities.

The New England School of Missions was the original pilot school funded by Beam Missions Foundation. NESM was the prototype school that the other programs have been modeled after. This is now the 10th year that NESM trains and sends out leaders and the momentum continues to build.

Donations to support programs and projects on this site will be managed by the Beam Missions Foundation (BMF), a nonprofit (501c3) in the United States. The BMF supports schools of missions to train young women and men to become leaders in the ministry of the gospel.

All donations to the BMF are tax-deductible in the United States to the extent permitted by law. The BMF retains final discretion in the use of all donated funds but the intended use of your gift is to:

  • allocate 70% of your donation to the operational budget of the New England School of Missions
  • allocate 20% of your donation to establish new schools
  • retain 10% of your donation for the administration of the BMF

As required by law, all assets contributed to funds held by the BMF become irrevocable gifts to the BMF, and as a result, legal control and responsibility for such assets rests with the BMF. In the event that a distribution cannot be made to a specified school or project, the BMF will select an alternate grantee to receive the funds.

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The Beam Missions Foundation is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organisation, EIN 16-1765359. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.