Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Giving So We All Thrive!
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a campaign based on the belief that a community of people who love their neighbors is a thriving community. Neighbors who receive weekly drops of healthy food from Blue Angel are members of this village. They work and add value to our community and others nearby each day. They also give back: working in local stores, remodeling our homes, fixing our cars and boats, babysitting our children and grandchildren, and yes, contributing to our churches and nonprofits. When they can no longer work due to age or illness, they hold and tell the stories of our village. Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a love challenge to make our community free of the injustice of hunger and food insecurity. It is the story of a community giving what we can, in any way that we can, as often we can. And it will be the story our elders tell, the story of love erasing an injustice.